Azoneem Extra

Neembase Pesticides

Azoneem Extra

Neem extract concentrate containing Azadirachtin 5% w/w min.

it is a botanical insecticide derived from Neem seed Kernels. it contains a minimum of 50 gm. of Azadirachtin per kilogram of the material (w/w).

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water
Waiting Period between last spray to harvest days Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
AI Formulation ml
Cotton White Fly 375 750 5
Leaf hoppers 375 750 5
Heliothis 375 750 5
Aphids 375 750 5
Tea Pink mite 200 400 5
Red Spider mites 200 400 5
Caterpillar 200 400 5
Thrips 200 400 5
Rice Brown Plant Hopper 200 400 5
Leaf folder 200 400 5
Stem Borer 200 400 5
Tomato Fruit borer 200 400 5
White fly, 200 400 5
Aphids, 200 400 5
Tobacco Aphids 200 400 5
Tobacco Caterpillar 200 400 5
Cauliflower Diamond back moth 200 400 5
 Aphids 200 400 5
Spodoptera 200 400 5
Bhindi Aphid 200 400 5
Pod Borer 200 400 5
Leafhopper, 200 400 5
Whitefly, 200 400 5
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