Imazethaphyr 10% SL in an herbicide based on the active ingredient. Imazethaphyr . It is recommended for use of Soyabean, Groundnut, Black gram, green gram and Red gram for control of annual grasses and broad leaf weeds.
Crop(s) | Common Name of Pest | Dosage/HA | Dilution in Water (Litre) | Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (In days) | Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In Hours) |
AI (g) |
Formulation (Litre) |
Red gram | Digitaria sanguinalis Dinemra relroflexa | 75 ga.i.lha+ MSO adjuvant @2 ml/litre of water |
750 ml+MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/ha of water. | 375 | 125 | – |
Black gram | Brachiaria eruciformis Amaranthus viridis Euphorbia hirta Commelina benghalensis |
75 ga.i.lha+ MSO adjuvant @2 ml/litre of water |
750 ml+MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/ha of water. | 375 | 56 | – |
Green gram | Amaranthus viridis Trianthema portulacastrum Euphorbia hirta |
75 ga.i.lha+ MSO adjuvant @2 ml/litre of water |
750 ml+MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/ha of water | 375 | 46 | – |
Groundnut | Echinochlola colonum, Euphorbia hirta, Commelina benghalensis, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima |
100-150 g a.i./ha + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water |
1.0-1.5 L + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water | 375 | 102 | |
Soybean | Echinochloa colonum, Brachiaria mutica, Euphorbia hirta, Commelina benghalensis, Dinebra arabica, Digitaria spp. | 75-100 g a.i./ha +MSO adjuvant @2 ml/l of water |
0.75-1.0 L + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water | 375 | 72 |