


Imazethapyr 10% SL

Imazethaphyr 10% SL in an herbicide based on the active ingredient. Imazethaphyr . It is recommended for use of Soyabean, Groundnut, Black gram, green gram and Red gram for control of annual grasses and broad leaf weeds.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (Litre) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (In days)  Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
Red gram Digitaria sanguinalis Dinemra relroflexa 75 ga.i.lha+
MSO adjuvant
@2 ml/litre of water
750 ml+MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/ha of water. 375 125
Black gram Brachiaria eruciformis
Amaranthus viridis Euphorbia hirta Commelina benghalensis
75 ga.i.lha+
MSO adjuvant
@2 ml/litre of water
750 ml+MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/ha of water. 375 56
Green gram Amaranthus viridis
Trianthema portulacastrum
Euphorbia hirta
75 ga.i.lha+
MSO adjuvant
@2 ml/litre of water
750 ml+MSO adjuvant @ 2ml/ha of water 375 46
Groundnut Echinochlola colonum, Euphorbia hirta, Commelina benghalensis, Digera
arvensis, Amaranthus viridis,
Physalis minima
100-150 g
a.i./ha + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water
1.0-1.5 L + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of  water 375 102
Soybean Echinochloa colonum,  Brachiaria mutica, Euphorbia hirta, Commelina benghalensis,  Dinebra arabica, Digitaria spp. 75-100 g a.i./ha
+MSO adjuvant @2 ml/l of water
0.75-1.0 L + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of  water 375 72
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