Swiftwind Plus


Swiftwind Plus

Thiamethoxam 75% w/w SG

Thiamethoxam 75% w/w SG is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide, recommended for its use to control termites in Groundnut, Termite & Early shoot borer in sugarcane, Greenleaf hopper & brown plant hopper in rice and Jassids & thrips in cotton crop.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water Waiting Period between last spray to harvest Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
AI Formulation
Cotton Jassids & Thrips 94 125 50-100 ml/Plant 109
Sugarcane Termite & Early  shoot borer 120 160 500-1000 230
Rice Green leaf hopper and Brown plant hopper 113 150 Dissolve in 500 ml water and mix with 20 kg sand/h 60
Groundnut Termite 94 125 500-1000 57
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