


Imidacloprid 48% FS

It is a systemic insecticide containing imidacloprid active ingredient, balance auxillaries and inert material. It is a low toxicity, systematically acting insecticide with a broad spectrum of activity for controlling sucking insects usch as Aphids, Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips in cotton, okra, sunflower, Soyabean and Shoot fly in Maize; Aphid, Jassid in Potato and Aphids, termite in Wheat . When handled properly according to good agricultural practices it is suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water Waiting Period between last spray to harvest Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
AI kg Formulation kg
Potato Aphids. Jassids 0.0105 0.0175
Cotton Aphids, Whitefly, Jassids, Thrips 0.30-0.54 0.50-0.90 0
Wheat Aphids, Termite 0.21 0.35
Rice Thrips 0.15 0.25
Okra Jassid, Aphid 0.30-0.54 0.50-0.90 0
Maize Shoot fly 0.6 1.0
Sunflower Jassid, Whitefly 0.30-0.54 0.50-0.90 0
Soyabean Jassids 0.075 0.125
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