


Metalaxyl-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP

Metalaxyl-M 4%+ Mancozeb 64% WP is a wettable powder containing a mixture of the systemic fungicide metalaxyl-M and the contact fungicide mancozeb. It contains 40 gm of metalaxyl-M(4% w/w) and 640 gm. of mancozeb (64% w/w). Metalaxyl-M 4%+ Mancozeb 64% WP ensures a double protection to the target plants due to systemic activity of metalaxyl-M and contact activity of mancozeb.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (Ltr.) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest
(in days).
Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
Formulation (gm or %)
Grape Downy mildew 0.17 0.25 500-1000 8
Potato Late blight 0.17 or 1700 g 0.25 or 2500 g. 500-1000 24
Black Pepper Foot rot 0.17 or 1700 g 0.25 or 2500 g. 2 litre as foilar spray or 3 litre as soil drench 21
Mustard Downy mildew 0.17 or 1700 g 0.25 or 2500 g. 1000 litre 60
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