


Quinalphos 25% EC

A Contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentration based on Quinalphos technical. and used against the pests of Red Gram, Paddy, Tea, Ground nut, Mustard, Citrus, Cauliflower, Soybean crops.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water Ltr Waiting Period between last spray to harvest days Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
AI gm Formulation ml
Red gram Pod borer 350 1400 500-1000 30
pod fly 350 1400 500-1000 30
Cardamom Thrips 0.03% 600-1200 500-1000 30
Bengal gram Pod Borer 250 1000 500-1000 50
Tea Thrips 190 760 500-1000 7
Paddy Brown plant hopper 375 1500 500-1000 40
Hispa/Blue Beetle 500 2000 500-1000 40
Leaf roller 250 1000 500-1000 40
Stem borer 325 1300 500-1000 40
Cauliflower stem borer 500 2000 500-1000 3
Chillies Aphid 250 1000 500-1000
Mite 375 1500 500-1000
Ground Nut Leaf hopper, Thrips 350 1400 500-1000 50
Leaf miner 250 1000 500-1000 50
Citrus Scale 0.07% 4200-5600 500-1000 10
Citrus butterfly 0.025% 1500-2000 500-1000 10
Mustard Mustard saw fly 300 1200 500-1000 50
soybean Leaf weevil 250 1000 500-1000 40
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