


Chlorothalonil 75% WP

Chlorothalonil – 75% W.P. is used to control Tikka leaf spot and rust of Ground nut, Early and late blight of Potato, Scab of Apple, Anthracnose & Downey mildew of Grape, Fruit rot of Chilli, Leaf spot of Cauliflower, Downey mildew & Leaf spot on Watermelon.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (Ltr) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (in days) Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
AI (kg) Formulation (kg)
Grape Anthracnose & Downey mildew 0.15% (150 gm/100 Liter water) 0.2% (200 gm/100
liter water)
100 60
Potato Early & late, blight 0.66-0.937 0.875-1.250 600-800 14  
Cauliflower Leaf spot 1.5 g a.i./L 2.0 g/l 500 3
Watermelon Downey mildew & Leaf spot 1.5 g a.i./L 2.0 g/l 500 3
Chilli Fruit rot 600 800 750 10
Groundnut Tikka leaf spot, Rust 0.66-0.863 0.88-1.150 600-800 14  
Apple Scab 0.150% (150 gm/100 Liter water) 0.200% (200 gm/100
liter water)
10 liter water per tree 45
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