Notary Gold


Notary Gold

Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG

Emamectin benzoate 5% SG is a water soluble granular formulation cointaning 5% active ingredient and is recommended for the control of Bollworms on cotton, Fruit and shoot borer on okra, DBM on cabbage, Fruit borer, thrips, mites on chilli, fruit and shoot borer on brinjal, pod borer on red gram, chickpea Graps-Thrips and Tea – Tea looper. It is an insecticide with stomach action and should be ingested by the larvae to be most effective. Affected larvae become paralyzed and stop feeding shortly after exposure to Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG and subsequently die after 2-4 days.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water in water (Ltr) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest ( In days) Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
Grapes Thrips 11 220 500-1000 5
Redgram Pod borer 11 220 500-750 14
Cotton Bollworms 9.5-11.0 190-220 500 10
Chickpea Pod borer 11 220 500 14
Tea Tea looper 10 200 500 1
Cabbage Diamond back moth 7.5-10 150-200 500 3
Brinjal Fruit Shoot borer 10 200 500 3
Okra Fruit and shoot borer 6.75-8.5 135-170 500 5
Chilli Fruit borer, thrips, mites 10 200 500 3
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