


Chlorpyriphos 20% EC

IT is a contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentrate formulation based on chlorpyiphos technical.

Reccomnded for use as per CIB
Crop(s) Common Name of Pest Dosage/HA Dilution in Water (Lt) Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (days)  Re-entry after each Applicatio n (In
Formulation (gm)
A- Non croped area
1.Wheat 3-4 ml/kg seed
2.Soil treatment
1.Buildings: (Pre & Post construction treatment) 1%a.i.
Cotton Aphid,Boll worm, White fly 250 1250 500-1000
Cut Worm 750 3750 500-1000
Wheat 2-3 Itrs./ha 1%a.i.
Wheat 2-3 Itrs./ha 1%a.i.
Gram 15-30 ml/kg seed
2.Forestry 1%a.i
Barley 4-6 ml/kg seed
Tabacco Ground beetle 350 1750 500-1000
Termite Control
Paddy Hispa 250 1250 500-1000
Leaf roller 375 1875 500-1000
Gall Midge, Stem borer,whorlmaggot 250 1250 500-1000
Citrus Black Citrus, Aphid 0.02% 1500-2000 1500-2000
Cabbage Diamond Backmoth 400 2000 500-1000
Onion Root grub 1000 5000 500-1000
B-Cropped area
Ber Leaf Hopper 0.03% 2250-3000 1500-2000
Brinjal Shoot & fruit borer 200 1000 500-1000
Apple Aphid 0.05% 3750-5000 1500-2000
Beans pod borer,Black bug 600 3000 500-1000
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